Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

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Agios Ioannis Pilio, Greece 26/8-1/9/2018 Christos Rahiotis, actor, teacher, drama practitioner

Event date: 8/26/2018 - 9/1/2018 Export event

Theatre Summer Camp – Pilio 2018, Greece
26/8-1/9/2018, Agios Ioannis Beach Pilio Greece
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network  (


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Christos Rahiotis, actor, teacher, drama practitioner

3 hours workshop. Language: Greek


Practical tips on the capture, structure and the editing of short films.

The aim of this workshop is for the participants to get a clear picture of what is needed in order to enter into the adventure of creating a short movie, regardless of the quality of the technological equipment.

We will try to establish a common language of "reading" films and at the same time to define the basic stages required for their creation.

Starting from the conception of the initial idea until the final form of the script (on the paper or the computer), we will understand the importance of planning, the basic steps needed for the preparation before filming and of course the main part of the action… filming! In the end, a special reference will be made on editing, as well as on the aesthetic and technological parameters which may influence the final result of the film.
The workshop includes a seven- minute short movie, a presentation and exercises which combine theatrical games and improvisations for acting in the cinema.


 Christos Rahiotis, since his graduation from the Drama School "Arhi" (Athens, Greece 1997), has been working as an actor, trying different types of theatrical forms (except tragedy, theater No, and Taiwanese theater). As a teacher (Electronic Engineer) he was appointed in 2004 to a Tecnological Lyceum in Heraklion (Crete). He has worked in Athens from 2010 to 2016 (Educational Radio and Television of the Ministry of Education) and in Chania Crete, 2017-2018. In recent years, the audiovisual arts  is the field where he tries to specialize in (postgraduate studies in the Department of Audio and Visual Arts at Ionio University). As drama practitioner, he collaborates with the Μunicipal Theater of Crete (Experimental Stage) for teaching and direction of theatrical performances. He has been a member of Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network since 2014.


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