Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Adıgüzel Ömer

Adıgüzel Ömer

Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ankara University, Turkey

Dr. Ömer Adıgüzel works on fields such as creative drama, museum education, drama at museums, children's museums, cultural pedagogy, folk dances, etc. He conducts workshops in different areas of creative drama in Turkey and abroad.Since 2003, he has been the Chairman of the Contemporary Drama Association (ÇDD). He is a member of International Association of Children and Youth Theaters (ASSITE), Association of Children and Youth Museums, Association of Art Educators (SEDER). He is the representative of the European Drama Association (EDERED), the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA) and the German Association of Game and Theater (BAG Spiel und Theater). He is a national referee of Turkish Folk Dance Federation. He served as a member of the Central Referee, Education and Science Boards between 2016 and 2018. He was the Coordinator of Culture and Art of Ankara University and the Deputy Coordinator of Health, Culture and Sports Department between the years of 2012 and 2017. He was awarded the 2014 TÜBA Textbooks Incentive Award and 2014 NafiAtuf Kansu Educational Encouragement Award with the Creative Drama in Education book. Since 2017, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Ankara University. 


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