Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Angeloglou Maria-Nefeli

Angeloglou Maria-Nefeli

Theater/ drama pedagogue, Germany

Maria Nefeli Angeloglou. Born and raised in Greece, I spent a lot of time moving around with my family as a young child, before we settled in the island of Lesvos. The fact that I spent my first 5 years of life in Germany shaped my love and interest for foreign languages and stories. I studied German language and literature in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and I participated in various student theatre groups. While working as a language teacher I started learning more about theatre/drama pedagogy and acted in plays for kids. In 2015 I decided to move to Germany and undertook master’s programme at the Rostock University of Music and Theatre (Hochschulefür Musik und Theater). Nowadays,I work as a theater/drama pedagogue in Projects for unemployed people, I do theatre with kids and Icollaborate with the organization Young IDEA. My dream is to do a lot of international work with people who don't necessarily share a common language, but they certainly share their love for theatre and non typical education. 



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