Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Avdi Avra

Avdi Avra

Greek language and literature teacher, drama teacher, Greece

Avra Avdi is a Greek Language and Literature teacher and a Drama teacher. She worked in secondary education as a Greek Language and Literatute teacher as well as a Cultural Advisor (1982-2011). At the same time, for 15 years (2001-2016), she taught two Process Drama courses at the School of Drama, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has been systematically involved with Drama in Education and school theatre, employing knowledge gained from postgraduate studies and related research. She has led seminars on teacher’s training and published a variety of articles on school theatre. Together with Melina Chatzigeorgiou she co-authored two books "The Art of Drama in education. 48 proposals for drama workshops "(Metaixmio 2007) and "When the teacher is in role.50 proposals for drama workshops with Teacher in Role" (Metaixmio 2018). In terms of language teaching, she has long experience in teaching and staff training, and has authored several texts in this field. More specifically, she has authored, as part of a team, “Ekfrasi-Ekthesi” (Expression-Dissertation, 1985-89), Curriculum on Greek language (1998), “‘Politropi Glossa” (Digital Educational Material, 2017).


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