Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Amal in Piraeus

Amal in Piraeus

Piraeus, 4/9/2021

Event date: 9/4/2021 Export event

Piraeus 4/9/2021


19:30 We walk from the Stone Clock in Pasalimani to the Municipal Theater of Piraeus, through Grigoriou Lambraki and a short stop at the Statue of the Mother.
20:30 Municipal Theatre of Piraeus

Amal is looking for a safe space to sleep as she arrives at the square in front of the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus. She sees beds. Upon each bed, sits a child with their parents. The children don’t want to sleep, but to play and dance to the music of Giorgis Christodoulou. Their parents try everything until slowly they start falling asleep one by one. All except Amal. She is tired but more than anything she is alone.

The children gather around her one by one offering comfort and finally Amal can sleep to the sound of the lullabies provided by Marina Satti’s chórès choir.

All of this will take place in front of the Municipal Theater of Piraeus, one of Greece’s pre-eminent theatres, which served as a safe haven for displaced people who arrived in Greece in the wake of the destruction of Asia Minor.

Giannis Panagopoulos - direction, Maria Stamataki & the teachers of Chorologie: Myrto Katsou, Aggeliki Mouzaki and Christina Bitou - children's choreography, Dimos Klimenof - set and costume design, Evina Vasilakopoulou - lighting, Yannis Damianos - sound engineering, Aristeidis Marantos - lyrics to the songs of Giorgis Christodoulou. With the participation of students from the Piraeus Association School of Dramatic Art.

All events have free admission. All COVID-related protocols will be adhered.


  • The Walk
  • 2021 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Athens

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