Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Potamousi Iro

Potamousi Iro

Sociologist, theatre/drama pedagogue, Greece

Iro Potamousi is a sociologist and drama practitioner. She is a graduate of the Department of Sociology of the Panteion University and the Center of Arts and the Creative Education "ANIMA". She completed her postgraduate studies on Drama/Theater in Education at the University of Warwick in the UK, where she focused her research on TiE programmes. She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of the Aegean. She has attended and has been trained in educational programs in Greece and abroad in the thematic modules of Team Dynamics and Operation, Communication, Leadership and Motivation. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Network for Drama/Theater & Education – (TENet – Gr, 2008-2011). She has been working as a sociologist at a secondary school since 2015. Since 2008, she has been involved in the creation and facilitation of educational follow up material for children's and teenage plays. As a teacher and drama practitioner, she has facilitated workshops for children, adolescents and teachers and has participated in drama/theatre in education projects that address social issues through theater in collaboration with various organisations in Greece (University of Athens, NGO Ance, TENet-GR, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Council of Europe ect.) and abroad (Liverpool Institute of the Performing Arts, University of Warwick).


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