Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Issue 4 (2003)

Issue 4 (2003)

"Education & Theatre" Journal, Issue 4, 2003

Questions et contradictions sur les definitions de l’ Art
Julian Boal, Brazil 
(available in French)

Theatre for Development:  Cultural action for social transformation
Alex Mavrocordatos, CdcArts, King Alfred’s College, Winchester, UK

The Effectiveness of one In-service Education of Teachers Course for Influencing Teachers’ Practice
John Somers, University of Exeter, UK, Eva Sikorova, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic 

Hanasaari/ Finland Conference August 2003: “European arts in education - Cooperation over borders” – a report
Tintti Karppinen FIDEA, Finland
Jerzy Grotowski’s Theatre Workshop (Peter Brook, Jerzy Grotowski, Roberto Bacci)
Maria Fragi (ed), theatre studies, Greece
(available in Greek)

Literature and Local History: Drama as a mean of meeting the “other” and as a tool of self-understanding  
Eleni Spatahri-Begliti, School Advisor, Greece 
(available in Greek)

Theatre of the Oppressed 
Christina Zoniou, director, theatre facilitator, Greece
(available in Greek)

The art of teaching and the art of theatre  making 
Aggeliki Zaharatou-Tzirita, theatre studies, teacher, Greece
(available in Greek)

Spetses Isl. Greece Theatre Summer Camp 2003: a report 
Betty Giannouli Mary Kaldi, TENet-Gr, Greece
(available in Greek)

Ancient Olympia 2003 International University Theatre Groups Meeting – a report
Maria Fragi (ed), theatre studies, Greece
(available in Greek)

Drama Education in primary schools in Greece 2002-2003 – a report 
Froso Balaska, drama teacher, Greece
(available in Greek)


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