Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Issue 5 (2004)

Issue 5 (2004)

"Education & Theatre" Journal, Issue 5, 2004

The idea of IDEA is a people’s theatre
Jonothan Neelands, Warwick University, UK

Myth in action: Greek Heritage in the Polish Theatre
Mirosław Kocur,
University of Wroclaw & Cracow Theatre Academy, Poland

Dramatic play: a theoretical approach
Katerina Paplomata, theatre pedagogue, Greece

IDEA International Drama/Theatre Education Association: new ideas-new members
Dan Baron Cohen President IDEA in conversation with Nassia Choleva (TENet-Gr)

Lilo Baur on Theatre de Complicite – searching for a common language
Lilo Baur in conversation with Mary Kaldi

Dream on: a TiE project
Sharon Muiruri, Bournemouth TiE, UK

Creativity and Continuity: Explorations into the Nature of Arts and Refugee Life
Stancil Campbell American University in Cairo, Egypt

The use of Educational Drama in museum education - The Codex Pupureus Petropolitanus
Avra Avdi, Melina Hadjugeorgiou, drama teachers, Greece
(available in Greek, abstract in English)

Playing-Through-Theatre: teaching school subjects
Stelios Vgages,  Playing-Through-Theatre facilitator, Greece
(available in Greek)


PhD Abstarcts

“Teaching Greek Language in primary school, through the utilization of dramatization
Simos Papadopoulos, drama facilitator, Greece 

De « jeune public » à « tout public » : analyse du répertoire théâtral francophone pour la jeunesse.
Nicolas Faure , Thèse de doctorat en Arts du spectacle, dirigée par Jean-Pierre RYNGAERT, Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, novembre 2004.


Book reviews

"Body, Space, Image" Miranda Tufnell, Chris Crickmay
Mary Kaldi (available in Greek)

"House of Games: making theatre from everyday life"  Chris Johnston
Nassia Choleva (available in Greek)

Ulrike Hentschel/Hans Martin Ritter (ed.):  Entwicklungen und Perspektiven der Spiel- und Teaterpaedagogik. Festschrift fόr Hans-Wolfgang Nickel 
Antonis Lenakakis (available in Greek)



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