Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Issue 9 (2008)

Issue 9 (2008)

"Education & Theatre" Journal, Issue 9, 2008
special edition - 10 years Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Contents - Editor's Note

Culture and Education 
Augusto Boal

On the raising of questions: the sharpening of contradictions and cultural action as transformation
David Pammenter

Theatre as a component of school cultural events 
Theodore Grammatas

Theatre in our lives 
Nikiforos Papandreou

Theatre and Education in Greece 
Walter Puchner

The diversity of Drama Education: models and purposes 
Jonothan Neelands

Dialogic performance: towards a pedagogy of transformance 
Dan Baron Cohen

Art at school: means or goal 
Chara Bakonikola

Plato you’re wrong: the importance of artful, playful and dramatic education 
John O’Toole

Teaching Drama: lessons from the recent history of its development in UK 
Mike Flemming

I could see it in my head 
Marigold Ashwell

Shadow Theatre and Physics in Early Childhood teachers’ education 
Antigoni Paroussi, Vassilis Tselfes

Bioethics and Drama techniques in Education 
Alcistis Kontoyianni

Narrative, Drama and the Compound Stimulus 
John Somers

Theatrical play and performance: the need to clarify terms and limits so as to discover the essence of things 
Lakis Kouretzis

Teaching from inside 
Gavin Bolton

Playing with plays 
Andy Kempe

To speak or not to speak: that is the question 
Sead Dulic

“Knowing the smell of your lover’s skin”: trusting a good story and scripting a good drama lesson 
Joe Winston


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