Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
21st Theatre Summer Camp 2024
«Telling stories in/about space»

22-27 August 2024

A Theatre Summer Camp for teachers, artists, group facilitators, students, teenagers, friends of drama in education, and all our friends,

at “Freelandcamp,” near Chiliomodi Town, Corinthia, Greece.


Afternoon (Complementary) Workshops



Theatre Makes Politics (TMP)

Theatre Makes Politics (TMP)

Chiliomodi Greece 24/8/2024 pilot workshop for teachers, Katerina Alexiadi

Event date: 8/24/2024 5:30 PM Export event

 «TMP - Theater Makes Politics»

Chiliomodi Greece  24/8/2024, 5.30pm-8.30pm

Fasilitator Katerina Alexiadi

workshop for teachers



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