International Conference 2003

"building bridges"

"Education & Theatre" project in collaboration with Attica District Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education, Eastern Attica Directorate of Secondary Education and Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers


2003 Conference proceedings

What this publication includes

This publication is an attempt to record, in Greek and in English, what was said and done during the 2003 Conference.

Part A includes the keynote speeches in the order they were delivered. Part B includes, in alphabetical order, all papers and posters presented. Part C includes, also in alphabetical order, written material on the seminars and the workshops (description, exercises, comments, and theoretical considerations). In Part D the artistic events of the 2003 Conference are presented (dance and theatrical performances and movie viewings) through interviews with the contributors, descriptions, comments and photographs.

Due to the practical and experiential nature of theatre, any written description of the workshops has always been a difficult endeavor. In fact, artists often avoid submitting written descriptions of their practical sessions, due to their belief that the most important part of the theatrical art is usually invisible. As a result of this, some practical workshops will only be presented as a "synopsis".

Thus, the passages assembled in this volume draw their value from the practical character of the Conference and are not intended to be directly applied in classroom by anyone, but mainly as informative and reflective material.


"education and theatre: Building Bridges"
edited by Nikos Govas
Published in Greek and English
by Metaixmio Editions and Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers,
Athens 2003, ISBN 960-87317-3-9
To order copies please write to


PART 1: Keynote Speeches

  • Re-claiming the democratic tradition of theatre
    Jonothan Neelands, Warwick University, UK

  • The Therapy of Drama
    John Somers, University of Exeter, UK

  • Bridging cultures and communication: theatre with deaf people
    Nellie Karra, "Arhi" School of Drama, Hellas

  • The recognition of "otherness":
    dilemmas and possibilities for the facture of the central aim of intercultural education.
    Christos Govaris, Aegean University

  • Never Look Away
    David Davis, University of Central England, UK

  • Are the two banks of á river a chance for a bridge
    or for a clash?
    Sead Djulic, Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • The Treasure Is Covered With Dust
    Hala Al-Yamani Rashed, Faculty of Education, Bethlehem Universityç


PART 2: Papers, announcements, presentations

  • Using Drama to increase language awareness in classroom
    Jenny g. Anninou, Secondary School Teacher of Modern Greek- Linguist, Hellas

  • The warlike actor facing the abysm
    Andrea Copeliovitch, Actress, Brazil

  • Drama education in the Arsakeia-Tositeia Schools
    Filia Dendrinou, pedagogue, actor, drama teacher at Arsakeia - Tositseia Schools, Hellas

  • Games: with or without and how?
    Metin Deniz, Maya Arts Center, Turkey

  • Youth Empowerment through Theatre Arts Education
    Cris Anthony C. Gonzales, Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA)

  • Ancient Greek choral odes and their inner melodic, rhythmic and metric structure: bridges towards an understanding
    Smaro Gregoriadou, Musician, Hellas

  • The Beginnings of the Labyrinth Project in Secondary Schools: Using the arts with young people to promote emotional well-being, develop social skills and address issues of mental healthVassiliki Karkou, Phil Jones, Department of Art and Arts Therapies, University Çertfordshire, UK

  • Theater looks Physics in the eye and the proposal is: "let's go for a walk"
    Andreas Ioannou Kassetas, Physics Teacher, writer, Hellas

  • Dramatization in Natural Science lessons in Junior High School
    Nicholas Kastanos, Music School of Kalamata, Hellas

  • "The visible and invisible city". An action research on Drama in Education at the University of Thessaly, Department of Early Childhood Education.
    Alkistis Kondoyianni, Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly

  • Africans, Vikings and Chicanos: Observations on decolonizing effects of the Suzuki Method of Actor Training
    Marcos Martinez, director, California University, USA

  • Theatre as a tool for transformation
    Dijana Milosevic, DAH Theatre, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

  • Cultural Action for Social Transformation
    David Pammenter, Alex Mavrocordatos, King Alfred;s College, UK

  • Some Elements, which compose the Profile of Participants in the 3rd Athens International Theatre and Drama Education Conference 2003
    Yannis Papadopoulos, The University of the Aegean, Hellas

  • "Escape": a pilot Theatre-in-Education project
    Gianna Pitouli, primary teacher, drama teacher, Betty Giannouli, sociology teacher, Nikos Govas, Theatre Education Network, Hellas

  • Establishing a contemporary Theatre of Myth for the young Greeks of Cyprus; A pilot case study based on a workshop around the myth of Antigone
    Charis Polycarpou, Teacher, Cyprus

  • "Theatricï Analogio" / "Èåáôñéêü Áíáëüãéï": an old recipe for the presentation of "everything"
    Popy Polymerou, Teacher, actress, Hellas

  • The "Odyssey Project" as a cultural exchange
    Katerina Poutachidou & Yannis Poutachidis, Theatrical Fine Arts Center POUPOULO, Hellas, Radka Mackova, Theatre group PIRKO, Chech Republic

  • Evidence of Greek theatre work that could serve as a useful introduction of Theatre-in-Education (TiE) in Greece.
    Persephone Sextou, University of Thessalia, Hellas

  • Drama in Singapore schools
    Jeffrey Tan, Director Theatreworks, Singapore

  • Drama & ICT (Information & Computer Technology)
    Kenneth Taylor, Middlesex University, UK

  • Drama is the tool for social awareness and personal development.
    Eleni Tsefalas, English language and drama teacher, Hellas

  • Outside in - Inside out
    John Wright, director, Middlesex University, UK


Part 3: The Workshops

  • The "grade A" and the "bad" student: Gaps and Bridges
    Avra Avdi & Melina Hadjigeorgiou, Drama teachers, Hellas

  • Building a character through ritual: the warlike actor and the imminence of death
    Andrea Copeliovitch, actress, Brazil

  • The use of actions, objects and images in drama in education.
    David Davis, University of Central England, UK

  • Performing Codes as means to approach texts
    Filia Dendrinou, pedagogue, actor, drama teacher at Arsakeia - Tositseia Schools, Hellas

  • Playing or learning?
    Nihal G. Koldas & Metin Deniz, Maya Arts Center, Turkey

  • The literature themes in multicultural education:Using drama methods
    Radka Mackova Janacek Academy of Music and Arts, Czech Republic, Yannis Poutachidis
    "Poupoulo" Theatrical Artistic Cultural Center of Thessalonica, Hellas

  • Puppetry in the School's (New?) Order: Notes against common mistakes and problems
    Stathis Markopoulos, Puppeteer, UNIMA Hellas

  • The Suzuki actor training method: Reawakening the spoken word
    Marcos Martinez, director, California State University, USA

  • Olympic Games and their Political Exploitation: Berlin 1936, Munich 1972…World 2003
    Christina Mouratidou, actress, theatre pedagogue, drama worker, Hellas

  • There is no greater sorrow
    Jonothan Neelands, Warwick University, UK

  • Remember we are human!
    Jonïthan Neelands, Warwick University, UK

  • Cultural Diversity: Forum Theatre, a negotiation of attitudes.
    Gianna Pitouli Primary School Teacher, Drama teacher, Hellas

  • From Logos to the Image
    Korina Preveduraki, Painter - Educator, Hellas

  • Fourteen Million and Rising
    Phil Sixsmith Consultant in Drama in Education, UK, Veta Tsaliki Environmental Education Centre, Thessaloniki, Hellas

  • Entering fictional worlds: the use of drama in schools
    John Somers, Exeter University, UK

  • Developing performance from Drama in Education work
    John Somers, Exeter University, UK

  • Empowerment through devising plays
    Jeffrey Tan, Director Theatreworks, Singapore

  • The Use of Symbol in Drama Education
    Kenneth Taylor, Middlesex University, UK


Short description from other workshops

  • The act of animation trough human history
    Vassiliki Bakrozi, primary school teacher, Hellas

  • The techniques of Forum-theater and Theatre of the Oppressed
    Julian Boal, Brasil

  • The warlike actor and the imminence of death
    Andrea Copeliovitch, actress, Brazil

  • Teacher-in- role
    David Davis, University of Central England, UK

  • Life experiences as inspiration for theatrical pictures
    Sead (Seyo) Djulic, Armin (Joha) Hadzimusic, Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia i Herzegovina

  • From dreams to theatre
    Sead (Seyo) Djulic, Armin (Joha) Hadzimusic Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia i Herzegovina

  • Teaching Theatre
    Kostas Filippoglou, actor, Hellas

  • Technique and the creative process
    Nellie Karra, Arhi School of Drama, Hellas

  • The "soma" of the educators
    Stelios Krasanakis, psychiatrist, dramatherapist, Hellas

  • Musical - metrical design in Sophoclean choral odes: bridges between ancient Greek scansion patterns and Modern Greek translations of tragic poetry.
    Giorgos Mpiniaris, actor, director and theatre pedagogue, Smaro C. Gregoriadou, composer and music pedagogue, Hellas

  • Drama in the Classroom: Towards a children's theatre of cultural integration (Drama as education in social transformation)
    David Pammenter & Alex Mavrocordatos, King Alfred's University College, UK

  • Speech, movement, image, music: creative synthesis and interaction
    Apostolia Papadamaki, choreographer, Hellas

  • The Other and Me in the Process of Drama
    Hala Al-Yamani Rashed, Bethlehem University, Palestine

  • "CHORUS" in the Mario Gonzalles method and balance in communication
    Zeljko Vukmirica, actor, director, International Youth Theatre Festival, Pula, Croatia

  • The archetypal mask: who do you think you are?
    John Wright, director, Middlesex University UK

  • Method in the madness!
    John Wright, director, Middlesex University UK

    George Zamboulakis, stage director, Thanos Vovolis, set designer, Hellas


PART D: performances and films

  • "Sweet home"
    ANTI-BODIES Youth Company, Hellas

  • "Do you like Brahms?"
    Katia Gerou, Hellas

  • Antigone a modern myth and ... my fear
    Mostar Youth Theatre (MTM) of Bosnia

  • "Pax Bosnensis 1992": The need for the representation of memory in our present
    Mostar Youth Theatre (MTM) of Bosnia

  • Student Films at the Conference
    Georgia Loukopoulou, teacher, film director

  • War Games: 'The grenade orange'
    Youth Theatre Group of Papapheio Institution of Thessaloniki, Hellas

  • "Mr Single"
    Zeljko Vukmirica, Croatia

  • Strong Boy, Deaf Boy, Girl in an Abaya"
    Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA)