International Conference 2004

"Creativity and metamorphosis"

The 4th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Performing Arts Education Conference is organized by the Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers on 12-13-14 March 2004 and is supported by:
University of Thessaly, General Secretariat of Youth, Attica District Education Directorate, MELINA Project, Filekpaideftiki Etairia/Arsakeia Schools, PanHellenic Theatre Studies Association, UNIMA Puppet Association, Teachers Union, several theatres.


SATURDAY 13 March 2004 Plenary and Workshops

09.30 - 11.00 Plenary session. Main Theatre. Language: English and Greek

  1. Looking for an "art education": the involvement in the art attempt as a pedagogical act
    Antonis Vaos, visual artist, Senior Lecturer at the University of Patras, Hellas
  2. Constructing an Image in Our Head- Can Theatre Transform Reality?
    Dr. Shifra Schonmann, University of Haifa, Israel
  3. On being and becoming in someone else's world. Who calls the shots?
    David Pammenter & Alex Mavrocordatos King Alfred's University College UK


Saturday workshops


11.30 - 14.00


Gym I

A workshop in the Suzuki Actor Training Method
Marcos Martinez, California State University, San Marcos USA

Gym II

Introduction to CAPOEIRA: a Brazilian dance form
Marta Cotrim, performing artist, Brasil

Elements on choreographical synthesis
Apostolia Papadamaki, choreographer, Hellas


Theatre: craft and art
Fabio Roberto Tolledi, Universtity of Lecce, Italy

School Hall

Jonothan Neelands, Warwick University, UK

Teachers' Hall

Simple acting approaches
Kostis Kapelonis, actor, director, Athens Art Theatre, Hellas

Students' Room

Freedom for a change
Alex Mavrocordatos, King Alfred's Uni College UK

TOPENG: Balinese traditional masked dance
Marta Cotrim, performance artist, Brasil


From Human Beings to Rhinoceroses-
Is there a way back?
A case of transformation via theater
Shifra Schonmann, University of Haifa, Israel

Devising for Transformation: David Pamment
King Alfred's College, UK


Dream X Dream = Life
Alkistis Kondoyanni, University of Thessaly, Greece

Speech as aerodynamic phenomenon: in the light of school drama activities
Telemachos Moudatsakis, University of Crete, Hellas


Meeting remarkable selves
Andrea Copeliovitch, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


"Drama encouragement" and school's cultural activities
Takis Tzamargias, teacher, director, Hellas


'Labyrinth' - A Visual Art Activity, MELINA Project
Helen Moraiti, painter, Hellas

"Sterna" by G. Seferis in the "Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot: Word secrets - Transformations. Drama through Creative Writing
Myrsini Lenoudia-Sakellaridi, theatre teacher, Hellas


"Playing Through Theater" in Learning Process
Stelios Vgages, Panagiotis Kyritsis, teachers, animators of Playing Through Theater, Hellas

A Theatrical Approach of Non-Theatrical Texts
Filia Dendrinou, actor, theatre educator, Hellas


"Scenic objects and pictorial persons: Metamorphoses of Ideas from Renaissance to contemporary world"
Korina Prevedouraki, painter, fine arts teacher
Christine Lanara, French language teacher, "Museum - Education" program at Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica, Hellas

The Theatrical Play within a Language and a Mathematics Lesson in the Elementary School".
Evangelia Papathanassiou, primary and kindergarten teacher, Hellas


Choral odes from Aristophanes’ “birds” and their dramatic approach through the method of “theatrical synthesis” - Examining drama’s identity in Greek contemporary schools
Giorgos Biniaris, actor, director, theatre teacher, Hellas Smaro Grigoriadou, musician, Hellas


Transcribing a narration
Yiannis Kourkoumelis, Emilia Papadakou, Hellas


Seeing Nature from a theatrical point of view
Spyros Boudouris, teacher, Hellas

Audio-visual workshop - Project MELINA.
Vassilis Kosmopoulos, director of cinematography
George Zafeiriou, photographer, Hellas


Principles and techniques of puppetry.
Konstantina Mara, Ifigeneia Tsihla, puppeteers, Hellas


Introduction to "devised theatre"
Anna Tsichli, director, Hellas


We are creatively transformed
Eleni Lampronikou, theatre educator, Hellas

The musical education through MELINA project
Kostas Moschos, musician, Hellas